Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's not shampoo, it's real poo ...

Today was a day which included lots of activity and a grumpy boy. Everyone should sleep well tonight. The I.V. has been moved to his right foot meaning cute baby pictures again and clean hair for Pierce! Amy got her mommy ring (Pierce's birth stone) today so he is with her all the time. Our little guy is proving to be a strong eater which means he is also a strong pooper!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jon,Amy & Pierce

Harv saw Granpa Dave at a church meeting tonight and gave us the Web sight. He is a BIG boy and just precious. I had gotten him an outfit and I exhanged it for the next size. Wish Cindy could be here to see him. She was looking forward to it.


Sylvia and Harv

Anonymous said...

Aw, poor little guy, he's been through so much already! Thanks for making this blog so that we can all stay up-to-date and know how you're all doing. I'd mentioned earlier that we'll be up in DM for new years and would like to come see him, but we can definitely wait if it's too risky for him to be around too many people yet-just let us know. Again, praying for you and congrats! -jodie and alan