Sunday, September 16, 2012

A fun week.

Hey, gang. I had a fun week this week. Mom and I played every day after school, I went to the library and even had school pictures plus a birthday party Friday!

Let's take a step back to Thursday. I got a sticker reminding me about school pictures on Friday and I wore it proudly.  This is the first day in a long time that I wore jeans and a long-sleeve shirt.  In fact, after I put on my jeans, mom noticed they were 2" too short so she ran to find new pants!  I guess I've grown a lot!
I also got a package from Grandma Kathy and Papa with cool farm ads that made noise and lit up. They were a lot of fun!
Mom and I took down the summer door hanging thing and put up a fall door hanging thing.
Saturday was Beaverdale Fall Fest and, as always, I got to hang with my pal Maguire. He really helped me rake in the candy this year!
Grandma Maggy marched in part of  the parade and joined us for the last half of the morning.
Thanks to Maguire I got a cool frisbee so she helped me learn to throw it.
I needed to practice my firefighting so Mom had a great idea (borrowed from Aunt Sherry) ... use chalk to draw burning buildings on the driveway so I could practice with my water bottle. Brilliant!
Saturday afternoon Westminster had their annual "Blessing of the Animals". I took Firefighter Fish.
Grandma had Buddy.
I don't know this for a fact, but this may have been the first time Pastor Scott blessed a fish.
Next stop? The last visit to Snookies for the summer. Yep folks, summer is officially over. Sad.
Once we got home Grandma Maggy delivered a fun present ... Uncle Chris! I was very excited to see him!
We're buddies!
Today we met the Fletchers at the Picket Fence Creamery. They had pony rides but I didn't see any picket fences and Dad said they weren't a creamery.
I did get to talk to Grant, Nolan and Karlin about animal husbandry so that was worthwhile.
Have a great week, everyone. I'm back at it tomorrow.


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