Monday, February 25, 2013


Hey, gang. I hope everyone survived the snowstorm. (I want to be a weatherman when I grow up. You never have to be right about anything!)

The week started off with my presentation to Mom and Dad of the Valentine's Day gift I made in art class. It was a nice bowl with ceramic hearts to go with it. Both Mom and Dad were a bit speechless and I could tell they were totally proud. It's going on a shelf in the living room and I don't think they care at all that it isn't Valentine's Day anymore.
I continue to explore my artistic side with self portraits. It's too bad that my thumb wanted to get into the act on this one. 
I got out of school early Thursday because we were to get the snowstorm to end all snowstorms. Well, nothing happened. We got 5-6" of light, powdery snow and no wind. It was a let down. Anyway, I was ready just in case. I used Mom's iPad to check radar and had my plow ready to go. Too bad I didn't get to use it. 
I had Friday off because of teacher meetings so having the fresh snow made for a good day. I shoveled outside for a long time, met Daddy for lunch ... 
... then Grandma Maggy invited me over to go sledding. She's really good at pushing me down the hill ...
... but I needed to walk back up on my own. By the time I'd gone up and down a few times the sledding run was really fast and I had a ton of fun.
(The nice thing about sledding with grandparents is that they always invite you in for snacks afterwards. Thanks Grandma Maggy!)
Saturday Mom, Dad and I headed to Denmark for a quick visit. I was ready to go outside and start farming as soon as we arrive. Come on, Papa. Papa? Hey, Papa?! Papa! Let's go outside!
I'm Pierce the farmer!
Since it's winter there isn't any field work to do, but Papa and I moved snow around and then things got a bit crazy because a calf was being born. Papa helped the mom while Grandma Kathy, Mom and I stayed back in the car. Dad got to help Papa and I think things went okay. 
Here is the mom cow and baby calf. Mom kept me kind of distracted so I didn't see much about the process or get a chance to ask many questions but Papa seemed kind of concerned about things. He and Dad spent the rest of the afternoon helping the calf because it's leg was broken.  I hear they even wrapped it and used a splint! 
Morning came early Sunday. I got some good cuddle time in and was able to show Papa a "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" show. I think he liked it. As always, Grandma Kathy played and played and played with me so I was the center of attention. (Have I mentioned how cool grandparents are?!)
After breakfast I went back outside with Papa and we rode around on the four wheeler ... 
... then hooked up the sled. Awesome! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
It was so much fun that even Grandma Kathy got in on the act. (Papa went extra slow when she was on the sled.)
I finished out my visit to Denmark with some time playing my Tonka firefighter game on Grandma Kathy and Papa's computer. It's a special treat that I get to play when I'm at their house. 
That's it for now, gang. I hope everyone has an awesome week!

Much love to all ...


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