Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hey, gang! It was Easter this week so that was pretty special. In school we are studying China so I got my very own set of chop sticks to use.
The weather started to turn by the end of the week so I could get outside. The first order of business was getting the lawn mower up and running for the year.
A couple of days ago I got an Easter package from Uncle Eric. Candy! Toys! Oh my!
After talking to Uncle Eric on the phone I called Uncle Chris to keep learning about China. He had some great stories!
Here he is on the Great Wall! (It's actually multiple sections, not one long wall.)
By the end of the week it was warm and sunny. It was sooooooo good to be outside again!
Yesterday was the brunch and Easter egg hunt at Wakonda. Good times!
There were lots of kids in my group but, thankfully, there were lots of eggs.
Time go fill my basket!
Yes! I got my limit! It was good hunting.
Mom and Dad were impressed with my loot.
Afterwards I compared my stash with Sari and Grant White. All of us were pleased.
Last night Grandma Maggy came over for dinner to celebrate Easter and her birthday. She brought over the lamb cake and I got to help decorate it.
Frost. Frost. Frost.
To finish it off we colored cocoanut and colored it green for grass. Mom put food coloring in a bag with the coconut and I got to shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. After awhile it turned green!
Success! Lamb cake 2013.
After dinner we got to eat the cake as part of Grandma's birthday party. My job was to put ice cream on the plates.
A highlight from yesterday? Grandma Maggy tipping me off about a baritone in my very own basement! Grandpa Mike played it as did Dad. He got it out for me and I gave it a try.
Once Grandma left for the night my efforts turned to getting ready for the Easter Bunny. Carrots, water and a note. Set!
This morning my preparations were rewarded ... the Easter Bunny came!
Not only did I make out like a bandit on the candy I got a game, new whiffle balls and best of all?! A watch! I've wanted one for awhile and the Easter Bunny must have heard me. I love it!
Happy Easter everyone.


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