Grandma came to Des Moines earlier this week to make sure I was getting better. (Nothing is better than good Grandma time!)
Grant and I had fun Wednesday and I got to show him how many pushups I can do.
Friday we headed to the farm. Uncle Eric was there, too. Everyone seemed happy to see me. (I got the sense that they couldn't have cared less about Mom and Dad and that's fine ... I'm cool with being the center of attention.)
Grandma bought me a bunch of very cool (very loud) things that Mom and Dad said were "special, stay at Grandma's house" toys. Uncle Eric helped me figure them all out.
Nobody seemed too mad ... after all, I didn't take much.
One thing that I love about visiting Denmark is that there are lots of naps. Here I am helping Grandpa rest.
After that, Grandpa took the time to show me some special tractors on the computer ...
... and even gave Mom and me a ride!
There are always lots of friends and family to see when I visit. Clayton stopped by, as did Tim and Ali and lots of other family.
... and a nap all the way home. Have a great week, everyone!