The past couple of weeks have been hectic. I've been on the road so much I felt like Bon Jovi in the glory days (talk about loving a many things!!).
Missing as much class as I have means lots of homework. With Thanksgiving coming up I had to get my turkey done so I had a place on my classroom bulletin board. So, here is proof that I care about my education and am working towards a good future. (The rest of this blog is basically me screwing around and having fun. As mentioned earlier, I'm trying to close a deal in Taiwan so I'm trying to show how well rounded I am.)
Friday, Nov. 4 the family got up bright and early to head to Champaign, IL for a wedding. Grandma's sister's daughter was tying the knot and nearly every Palzkill from both coasts and in between was going to be there. I love hanging out with that side of the family!
Sometimes in life having to pee leads to amazing discoveries. On our way I really needed to go and Mom found the closest exit. Guess what was there?! Five Guys! None of us had been before but you can bet your sweet Tonka that we'll be back. We loved it!
Mom and Dad said that I was old enough to start submitting photos for Life 'O Pierce so gave me the camera. Look how nice they looked at Melissa and Matt's reception! I love my parents!
Papa and Mom hung out while Grandma Kathy helped with the cake. I love seeing these two laugh together.
Here's a photo of Dad later in the evening.
On the way home it was like a parade. Grandma and Papa's van followed by Mom, Dad and I then Uncle Eric brought up the rear. Everyone headed to Denmark except Dad who headed home in a quiet car to a quiet house and a quiet few days. Uncle Tim stopped by and I really enjoyed farming with him. I love Uncle Tim!
During my time at Grandma and Papa's house I also got to visit my buddy Clayton. We shared a lot of laughs.
Grandma and I had some banking to do and while we were at the bank in Denmark I got to watch the guys work on the building. (Awhile back a customer tried to add their own drive thru lane. Oops.)
This is Papa and Uncle Tim's new cherry picker. I love it. Nobody else seems to know what they are going to do with it. All I know is that I'd love a ride!
Before we left, Uncle Tim said he needed more weight on his tractor. I volunteered my 31.5 pounds, but apparently, my approach to attaching it wasn't practical.
The next day we headed over to Jeanne and Howie's to say goodbye before driving home. They were nice enough to put out the toys for me and I got to practice building on the nicest workbench I'd ever seen.