The week started off with a day at home ... I had a cough and wasn't feeling very well so I hung out with Mom. The good thing is that I got to see a garbage truck! It came and took our stuff away and I got to see the whole thing! Wow!

Later in the week Mom, Dad and I worked on my art project for school.

Once it was finished I was really proud of my work.

YEAH, ME!!!!

Friday night I stayed with Grandma Maggy. We played, hung out and had a great time. Saturday morning I got oatmeal at my favorite table.

I also got to help do some baking ... very, very fun!

Saturday night Kiersten and Zach came over so Mom and Dad could go out with the Dillons. I decided to play with them a bit and threw an awesome tantrum. I cried. I hugged. I clung. I did everything I could ...

... but Kiersten ratted me out by texting Dad this photo 10 minutes after they left. (I'm disappointed in Kiersten's decision making and will take it up with her next time we cross paths.)

Sunday was church and I used my school backpack to carry all my toys. I was able to carry it most of the way but Mom helped me at the end. Oy vey ... my aching back!

Later we went to the park and it was a great way to spend the afternoon. The weather was perfect and there we ran into some other Boulevard kids so I had friends to play with.

But on a sad note my swing came down ... I've just lost interest and with winter fast approaching it was time. Mom and I hung it in the garage and we'll think about putting back up in the spring.

That's it ... thanks for reading about my week. As loyal readers you'll be pleased to know that Life 'O Pierce will be launching our first reader contest in the coming weeks ... stay tuned for your chance to win a fabulous prize.