Another week has come and gone. This past week was an interesting one. I stayed home from school for a day because my head hurt and I had a fever, we had company, I tried the new room at school (and didn't like it) and made another trip to the fair.
Here I am getting walked to the car by Katie and Uncle Chris on Wednesday. It was fun to have them around!

Thursday Uncle Matt and Grandma Maggy came over while Mom and Dad were gone. I got to show them both my Mighty Machines video and they were really impressed!

Next came the weekend! I've been building my equipment inventory to help better run my operation and have found that I just don't have a tractor with enough horsepower to pull the disk. Thankfully my scooter has been available ...
After I finished disking the basement Mom, Dad and I headed to the Iowa State Fair. Our first stop was the Blue Ribbon Foundation area where we talked to Emily Putney and caught up a bit.

Next was the Hall of Law. "Wholly Crap!" There is a fire engine behind me ... I'd better pull over!

The garbage truck at the Fair was fun to watch but Mom said it wasn't a "real" exhibition.

Lunch was at the Pork Producers tent. Yum!

Our next stop was the baby animal building. Wow ... it was really, really cool!

I had a good time telling all the other kids about the animals.

Next came what we hope will be an annual trip to the spin art exhibit ...
... wait for it ...
... and for the finale!
That night Kiersten and Zach came over while Mom and Dad went out. I showed them my Mighty Machines video and they were impressed. (To a person, everyone I show the DVD to comments on how odd Canadians are.)
Sunday Mom helped to host a baby shower for our good friend Michelle Barker so Dad and I hung out for awhile. We washed the car, hit the grocery store, etc. Good times. (The only bad thing about going to the grocery store is putting things away. I'm getting old enough now that I'm expected to help. Crap.)

After getting that done I finally got to relax on the couch with my new
Kimochi Huggtopus. Uncle Chris and Katie gave it to me and I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's a nice cuddle partner as I watch Mighty Machines ... AGAIN.
Have a great week!