Well, the week is over and I'm preparing for bed. Before I drift off into a deep, restful sleep on Sunday nights I always try and do the blog so my loyal readers can start their week with a cure for what ails them ... a dose of me!
Mom had a meeting Wednesday night with Grant's mom so Dad and I had boy's night. This usually means a trip to the "golden arches", but instead we headed north to Hyperion. It was a nice, relaxing dinner. I got to catch up on some reading and watch basketball.

Friday brought the end to a long week so everyone agreed that a family pizza/movie night was in order. We were in jammies with pizza and on the couch in a pile by 6:45. Ah, the good life. (Too bad we rented Shrek III. Really ... it was just a money grab from Mike Myers and the script lacked both depth and focus.)

Saturday was a busy day for everyone. Dad went to the office. Mom worked hard. I had a pile of e-mails to go through. Multi-tasking was the order of the day!

Saturday night Mom and Dad went out with the Dillons so Grandma Maggy came over! Again, jammies and couch time were in order. It was very nice cuddling for both of us.

Today Dad and Grandma Maggy went to see Grandma Margaret and Papa Jack so Mom and I ran errands. Here I am testing the firetruck at the mall ...

... and the slide, too. (Both seemed to work fine.)

Yep, this thing seems to be fine. (Nobody could tell me what this particular play apparatus was supposed to be.)

After Dad got home the three of us walked to the grocery store ...

... then Mom made spaghetti. Dad taught me to roll my fork and really load it up with the pasta. Good trick, Dad!

That's all she wrote, gang. Stay tuned for some exciting posts in the coming weeks ... a trip to Denmark, the Miller family majors pool, Gardner and maybe even another airplane ride!
Remember ... if you think your movie franchise needs a third installment go rent Shrek III and really ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky?"