When you say George to most kids my age they think of the monkey, Curious George. Not me ... I think of George Strait! This past weekend was Mom's special George Strait weekend which meant a visit from Papa and Grandma Kathy as well as a trip to see Uncle Eric.
Grandma and Papa arrived Friday afternoon and, as always, spoiled me absolutely rotten. (Don't tell them I'm on to them.) What fun stuff! We played, shared pizza, caught up and then, as quickly as they arrived they were off.

I stayed home with my teacher, Miss Nicole, and the grandparents and the parents headed to see George at Wells Fargo Arena. Everyone was happy and excited ...

... and why shouldn't they have been ...

... they were really, really close to George! (Thanks to Mom's fan club membership which I tease her about but really does come in handy a couple of times a year.)

Mr. Strait was in his usual form Friday night, according to Mom. Dad showed me this picture and my first question was, "How do you get a crease like that in your jeans?!". Dad didn't know.

The show was great and everyone had fun. An interesting fact, most of the Ace in the Hole band are from Uncle Matt and Aunt Emily's stomping grounds in Austin, TX. Dad enjoyed the band most of all, particularly Benny McArthur and Rick McRae. Those fellas can play! I suspect next time we're in Austin we may try and look them up.

Saturday morning came a bit too fast. We loaded up and headed to Gardner, KS to hang with Uncle Eric. First stop? His favorite local burger joint. I didn't eat much but did enjoy some exceptionally good chocolate milk.

Next stop? Uncle Eric's house to play with the fire station he made me. It was perfect!

Just when I thought things couldn't get better we headed off to a real fire station! This is one that he spends a lot of time at.

Roger. House fire at 13th and Main. 10-4. Unit two responding.

So that's what the top of a fire truck looks like?!

Oh. My. Goodness. I've seen this on Mighty Machines but never thought I'd see it in person!

While we were visiting Uncle Eric was kind enough to share his farm toys with me, too. What a host he is!

George, night two.

But it wasn't to be. George didn't feel well and stopped the show after two songs. No worries though, he'll be back next weekend and Mom and Uncle Eric will be there!
Knowing that I'll be at Uncle Eric's again next weekend I started to work on building my perfect drum kit. Things were going really well, too. I was channeling
Neil Peart and working hard but then that paparazzi showed up!
This morning, to make sure I'd earned my keep I decided to take out Uncle Eric's trash. (It wasn't trash day, but it's the thought that counts, right?)

I also swept his driveway, which he seemed to appreciate.

My best to all my fans ...