Things started out really great as I got invited into the cockpit of the plane and got wings! The pilot was really nice and didn't seem to mind at all that I turned a few knobs.
Oh yes ... those damn ears. Just let it go ...
A ride on the steam engine train was next and I was pumped. I'd been looking forward to this all day!
Old train, meet new train!
Well rested, Mom, Dad and I positioned ourselves for the 3 o'clock Magic Kingdom parade. Luckily we found a spot near Cinderella's Castle.
Here they come! Time for my special floppy hat!
Hotel shuttle bus? Icing on the cake.
Well, vacation day two. I didn't know how it could top day one but Mom, Dad, Grandma Kathy, Papa and Uncle Eric did their best! Grandma Kathy had the great idea to go to Animal Kindom and things started out very promising.
A hotel shuttle bus ride? Yes, please!
A safari? Yes, please!
All the animals were cool! The ride was bumpy and fun. I got to see elephants, hippos, a mommy lion, monkeys and was only feet from a giraffe.
Then it rained ...
Everyone managed to retreat to a gift shop. (I know ... a gift shop at a Disney park. Strange.) Luckily we were able to get radar on Uncle Eric's phone. The storm was big ...
... but so was our resolve. The crew braved the elements and headed off to see the Nemo musical. Superb! I was a bit tense during parts but afterwards couldn't quit talking about how fun it was and the big nose on one of the birds in the show.
Unfortunately, the rain kept coming so the group decided to call it a day.
Thankfully this was a hearty crew and none were too worse for the wear, either physically or emotionally. Good spirits (and good rainwear) kept everyone going.
Another hotel shuttle bus ride, some time drying out in the hotel room and a nice lunch, we left Dad to his fate in Orlando, heading north to St. Augustine.
Grandma Kathy and Papa's condo is right near the beach. There are protected dunes to cross and we got to take a fun wooden boardwalk each time we wanted to get to the sand.
There were benches along the way but we didn't stop often ... not with the beach drawing us in!
Papa showed me the ocean for the first time. It's the largest thing I've ever seen. I don't know if any of my ancestors were seafarers, but there really is a draw I feel to the water.
St. Augustine has hundreds of years of history and some great architecture. After some beach time the crew headed into town to explore and visit some of Grandma and Papa's favorite haunts.
Grandma was a good tour guide ...
... and introduced me to some locals.
After lunch we headed back to the beach. Uncle Eric and I had some playing in the sand to do!
He did a very cool thing and wrote my name in the sand so everyone would know that I was there. (Surprisingly enough, the paparazzi, even with this clue, didn't manage to find us.)
On this trip I discovered that walking on the beach, just me and my thoughts, was good for my soul. I felt very centered after my daily constitutional.
It was good to spend time with Grandma Kathy and Papa!
Who knew that Florida had farmer's markets with John Deere tractors! Thursday morning we headed out and found one ...
... before hitting the beach again. By this time Dad had joined the crew! Mom's Aunt Vickie also came along. She and her husband Sam (a real life, really cool Fed Ex pilot) have a condo right by Grandma Kathy and Papa's.
Hi! I'm Pierce and I like the beach!
Unfortunately, the rain kept coming so the group decided to call it a day.
There were benches along the way but we didn't stop often ... not with the beach drawing us in!