The last week was fair. It started out with me needing signage to help keep a construction zone safe. Mom helped me and we made a sign that kept Dad from wandering into a secured area. (He often needs help like that.)
I did a lot of work outside because the heat finally broke. It's been awhile since I worked on my hole and it was nice to get back to making progress.
I also washed the car and gave it some much needed TLC. Poor thing was filthy!
Yesterday afternoon the family packed up and headed to the golf course. I was itching to play and made sure that my golf ball was in my pocket and my glove was on the right way.
Dad and I spent some time on the range before we hit the course. He was trying to show me some basics but in reality I was checking his grip and posture. (He tends to get lazy and loses a lot of clubhead speed because he's not pivoting correctly.)
Fly ball. Fly!
Off to the course!
Okay. Don't leave it short and don't end up below the hole. Quiet. Concentrate. 1-2-execute. Nice putt!
Off to the next hole. Thanks for the boost so I can steer, Mom. Make sure to give this thing plenty of gas. I like to go fast.
Today it was off to the Iowa State Fair. We left the house early to beat the crowds and, for the most part, were successful!
First stop? Sugar donuts. They were fresh and yummy!
Next? An inspection of the equipment. You know what?! It was a jip. The doors were all locked! How am I supposed to check things out from the outside of the cab?! Drat!
Huh. Sure wish I was inside.
Grrrrrrrr ... even the red ones are locked.
A full-size excavator was available for purchase today but Mom said no. (Dad tried to reason with her but her mind was made up.)
Thankfully the line for Little Hands on the Farm was short this year. It's a lot of fun.
Plant. Tend. Grow. Harvest.
I took the part where there was a tractor and hay very seriously. Not only is feeding the cows an important job but you have to be safe. Some of the city kids just didn't get it and that was annoying.
Here I am approaching the feed bunk.
Yep ... five bales should be okay for these heifers. I'll give them some corn tonight.
The work never ends! I don't know how I'm supposed to make things work with low milk prices and high feed costs. Thankfully I have a good banker and the land is worth a lot right now.
At least I was able to sell my crops for enough to cover an oatmeal cream pie. Those really satisfy.
Steve spent the night Saturday night and told Mom and Dad about Ciniminis with ice cream. Dad tried this for breakfast and they satisfied him a lot!
After Dad and I had our sugar bombs Mom said we needed to burn off some energy so she had us climb all the way to the top of the burlap bag slide. Coming down was quite the rush!
Let's go again! Let's go again!
Dad - we need a zero turn mower. Papa Jack has one. Papa and Grandma Kathy have one. What do we need to do to make this happen?
Hey, Grandma Kathy - you need this pool!
Our trip to the fair ended but Dad went back with Grandma Maggy this afternoon so she could play with her band. By all accounts, it was a great show!
I hope everyone has a fairly good week!