Hello, all.
This was a fun week. Grandma Maggy came over Wednesday night and we hung out. I showed her my tractor videos and I think she liked them! She brought me a bunch of Elmo potty training things last week and this was the weekend I put them to good use. (More on that later.)

Mom and Uncle Eric made the trek to Minneapolis this past Thursday to see George/Reba. This is Mom's third show of the tour and I suspect she'd have a few more under her belt if the opportunity was presented.

The third man in Mom's life. Dad and I are okay with it but sometimes it hurts when she calls us George accidently.

Uncle Eric was really nice and got me a shirt from their trip. He also let me play in his truck. Awesome!

Friday after Mom got home from Minneapolis and Dad got home from work we went shopping for my very first "big boy underwear". I got to pick them out and it was certainly interesting. (I asked and neither Mom or Dad agreed to have their next underwear shopping trip filmed for posting on the blog. Not fair.)

While modesty is important I did want loyal readers to know that I have Thomas backing me up in my potty training efforts.
The final major event of the weekend was a trip to Mom and Dad's friend Michelle's house. She and her husband Rick just had a new baby ... Quinn! He's a pretty cool dude and I was happy to help with presents.

Well, there you go. Have a great week, everyone!
I'm off to try and go potty. Oh. Wait. Shoot. I'm supposed to tell Mom and Dad before I go, right?
Uh, Mom?!