Another busy week is behind me.
Let's see ... where to begin.
Dad gave me the nice things he brought back from the Masters and, while I appreciated the gesture, I really wanted a toy. Here is a photo of Dad looking dejected and me pleading with my loyal readers ... send me toys!!!!
Friday was a family movie night so it was pretty mellow and I was thinking some music would help things. I doubt this will make Mtv, but I'm hoping someone on YouTube will help it go viral.
Saturday was clean-up day. Mom and Dad wanted to work in the basement and didn't think I'd be much help (weird, I know) so Anna came over. Prior to her arrival I worked on the front door. Scrub ...
... and brush. That's how I do it.
There were really nasty storms Saturday night so plans got changed and we spent the night in front of the TV. Mom and Dad kept making jokes about watching The Weather Channel but I didn't get it. All I know is that the colors were really pretty and bright.
Sunday, after church and getting signed up for swimming and tennis lessons at Wakonda, Dad and I messed around with my new golf clubs. We discussed our shots ...
... then swung away! (Note to self ... golf balls hurt!)
After our round it was time to head to Grandma Maggy's for a belated Easter dinner. Yum!!! She even made the special lamb cake!
I got to help with the rolls.
After dinner it was finally time. I made double sure that I could have the lamb's nose ...
... and Grandma Maggy came through! (Grandma's have a way of doing that.)
After a great dessert we played for a bit on the iPad and also looked at some of Grandma's pictures. You can see why I made the comment about golf balls hurting if you look at my left eye. Ouchy! (Dad's taking all of the blame and in the midst of the madness actually promised to buy me a pony, a Corvette and an excavator if I promised not to sue, write a book or end up on a reality TV show.)
Later, gang!