My first birthday party was this past weekend ... it was AWESOME!
Mom worked really hard baking the cakes and getting everything ready.

There were cool party favors for everyone and by all accounts the event was a success.

Grandma and Grandpa came up from Denmark. Uncle Eric came from Gardner, KS.

Wholly Crap! Uncle Matt, Aunt Emily (Texas) and Uncle Chris (California) surprised Mom, Dad and me by coming too!

Justin, Amanda and Grant Fletcher stopped by ...

... and so did Annette!
She and Grandma Maggy enjoyed going through my photo albums.

Everyone seemed to like my new room (the basement remodel was debuted) and tried really hard to answer the quiz questions Mom put together.

Grandpa won the quiz and a box of Cherrios!

Next came gifts! Mom, Dad and Grant helped me unwrap things and keep everything organized.

Folks were so generous!

Grandma helped unwrap things, too.

Chris tested the lift on my toy firehouse.

Grant made sure the trucks worked properly.

Uncle Matt figured out the cool gear toy from Annette.

The cakes!

This isn't a short video, but I'd like to think it will be worth your time ...

The damage ...

I think this was taken during trip 481 up and down the stairs. They really are my favorite toy right now.


The Houstons!!

You may not be able to tell, but right as this photo was taken I grabbed a big handful of Mom's hair just to keep things interesting.

Aunt Emily is fun!

Mom and Dad seemed to have a lot of fun this weekend. Mom worked really hard to pull everthing together!

With so many people taking so many photos of me I thought I'd turn the table and see how they liked it.

Before Matt, Emily and Chris headed to the airport Mom wanted to put on a bit of a show. We listened as she and Matt played a duet.

Having family around is great.

I still can't believe that this many people came to my birthday party! It feels like I'm a pretty lucky guy.
Have a great week everyone!