... it's hard being an active guy. People to see. Places to go. Commitments to keep.
I've really worked hard on the piano this past week. I practice on my own and have been working on a piece I like to call "The disappointment of undissolved Similac".

It's a jazz piece with room for improv in the bridge. Bobby Short is my inspiration. Tuesday I debuted it for Mom and Dad. Mom liked it, but I don't think she got what I was trying to communicate. Dad thought it was redundant and lacking tonal maturity. Whatever.
Thursday Grandma Maggy stopped by while Mom was at yoga.

Saturday was a big day ... a parade!
Beaverdale Fall Fest is an annual tradition and, based on what I saw this year, I think it is going to be something to look forward to.

The Dillons watched the parade with us ...

... and I got to sit on Grandma's lap.

Our neighbor Debbie was there with her new grandson ...

... and other neighbors (and fellow Westminster folk) Caroline and Judy were in the parade.

A nice person threw me some candy. As you can see in the background, Maguire cleaned up! I can't wait to be a big kid and get a bunch of candy just for me!

Here I am with Debbie's grandson Nicholas. He was a really nice guy and we spent time discussing matters of importance to folks our age.

We got home and I thought it would be fun to play with Dad's glasses. They broke. He was sad. (After that I noticed that both Mom and Dad often took their glasses off whenever they were near me.)

Saturday night we went to
Raccoon River Brewing Company. Mom and Dad talked about how cool it was that almost five years ago they came here for a drink after their wedding reception. Now there are three of us in the family. Mom and Dad both got kind of quiet and smiled a lot as they thought about that. (It was a moment ... and you'll notice that Mom doesn't have her glasses on.)

After dinner I wanted to go see the colored lights at the new Davis Brown Tower so we walked over. Very cool. (Dad's wearing his old glasses.)
This morning Mom made pancakes! I've never had them before and they were fun to play with.

You can also get a lot in your mouth if you really stuff them in.

We had a quiet morning before church and read the paper. It was nice. (Target had a lot of great deals in their circular this week. If anyone is looking to stock up on kitty litter now is the time!)

My stuff has pretty much taken over the living room as you can see. Mom and Dad wanted to see if I still fit in this chair, which Dad's Aunt Pat gave me. I used to spend a lot of time in it!

I've grown a bit since this photo was taken.

After Skypeing with Grandma and Grandpa Houston this afternoon Mom, Dad and I headed up to Snookies for their "last hurrah". My favorite band, The Bran Flakes were playing and their lead singer Steve even dedicated a song to me! (Some of my more loyal readers may remember a posting a few weeks ago from another one of their shows on Allison Ave. I've seen them at least twice and hope to follow them around Des Moines next summer. Some of the folks I know have seen them 15-20 times!)
Remember Judy and Caroline from the parade? Well, they were there, too! (Caroline is Steve's wife and frequently travels with the band.)

The Staplins also were there so it was good to catch up with some old friends.

I'm off to Skype with Uncle Matt, take a bath and go to bed. Sweet dreams, all!