What a crazy few days it has been. Last week's activities have been well chronicled so I won't bore you with more details. This week just flew by and I managed to stay busy almost every day!
Wednesday I had my two year doctor's appointment and went to Dad's office for a bit before seeing Shamrae and Barbara at Mercy. He has cool toys (which seems odd for a man his age) so I always enjoy my time at
Flynn Wright. Everyone there is really friendly, too ...

... Grant's Mom Mara showed me some cool things on her computer.

Thursday was pretty uneventful but Friday was the start of a really fun weekend! Papa, Grandma Kathy, Uncle Eric and Grandma Maggy all came to my school to watch my very first holiday program! While they were there I showed off some of my art, the bathroom in my classroom and introduced them to my teachers.

During the program I tried really hard to stay in rhythm but forgot to sing. Oh well ...

... lots of my friends were there to pick up the load.

It seemed like there were a million people in the crowd but the six people I cared most about were proud of my performance and that made me really happy!
Saturday was my birthday party. Continuing the "Month of Pierce" theme, Mom and Dad threw a great party. Here is Grandma Kathy warming up to decorate my cake. Notice her "game face".

Ta da! Awesome!

After everyone arrived we headed to the basement and I just about ran out of places to put all the presents! Grandma Maggy got me a wind-up flashlight and that was a whole lot of fun to play with.

I also got a kitchen set from Grandma and Grandpa Houston. I used my new toy to make sure everyone had lots of coffee the rest of the weekend.
Mom and Dad got me my own table. It will be perfect for playing tractor and drawing.
I had several entries for this year's birthday quiz. The questions were pretty hard so I gave everyone plenty of time to fill out their sheets.
We had an upset this year ... Uncle Eric knocked Papa out and won the very special, limited edition prize!

After the gifts and quiz it was time to eat ...

... and play with my balloon cow. Thanks Mom and Dad!



After the party I was able to play with my new toys on my new table while Papa supervised.

Today the fun continued with the Houston family Christmas. Jeepers, it's been a GREAT couple of weeks!

Grandma Kathy and Papa got me a laptop! Now I don't have to borrow Mom and Dad's!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Safe travels and joyous days.