I'm coming off seven days in a row of Grandma cooking. Between Grandma Maggy bringing food over while Uncle Chris and Uncle Matt were visiting and Grandma Kathy feeding me during our visit I don't think I can eat any more! It feels like I put on 5 pounds ...
Chris and Matt were over Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. We played a lot with the toy set Santa gave me.

We also ate a lot.

Ugh ... the Miller boys. I'm pretty sure Grandma Maggy is going to Heaven cause she already served her time raising Dad and my two uncles.

Wednesday was a fun day. Chris and Matt came with me to my haircut. I was scared at first as I though they may be the ones with the scissors ...

... but Becky stepped in and saved the day as always!

I don't usually call out my own photos, but in the business we call this the "cover shot". An instant classic. A photograph that sells CDs, makes the cover of Rolling Stone, draws in fans and ends up as a poster on the walls of dorm rooms 50 years from now. (If only Chris, Matt and I were in a wildly influential band.)

You know, smart phones are a blessing and a curse. I like to stay in touch, but it feels like I can never get away. This is how we spent much of our time together.

After a great day with Chris and Matt we hit the road. Mom, Dad and I drove on I-80 with thousands of our closest friends and finally arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's place around 8 o'clock. They were so happy to see me that I got to eat in the living room!

Grandma asked me to help her get things ready Thursday morning and I was glad to help.

A spread fit for a king!

The only problem? I worked so hard helping Grandma I fell asleep.

No worries though ... folks saved me some food. After my nap I got to eat my first Thanksgiving meal. Not bad! I even got a card!

Grandma Kathy found this amazing train set. As you can see, it kept four generations of guys pretty busy. Guys never outgrow a good train set.

My phone wouldn't quit buzzing all weekend. People, I love to stay in touch but keep in mind that I pay by the text!

That evening I held court for Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Eric, Tim, Jill, Asa and Lacy. We all had a lot of fun and I even took a couple of steps! Mom and Dad missed the first time but saw me do it again later. Unfortunately they missed the photo so everyone spent the rest of the night trying to recreate what all considered to be a pretty cool thing. I tried to keep everyone entertained and seemed to pick up a new nickname. I'm not sure why, Dad kept calling me a golden nut. I suppose it is my blonde hair and my crazy disposition.

Friday morning I helped Clayton move some things into his new place then we all had lunch. I think it's cool ... both Clayton and I are getting new rooms at the same time!

Grandma Kathy is brilliant. This water heater box was a hit! (I asked Dad not to post all the photos he has of old people's rear ends poking out of the box while they played with me.) If you want to see something funny, watch Dad try and back out of the box ... that was a hoot! Here I am playing with Uncle Eric Friday afternoon.

Saturday morning I wore my John Deere shirt (thanks, Donna!) and teased Grandpa a bit. He got out my Allis Chalmers hat and thought it helped my outfit.
Eric gave Mom and Dad permission to turn my car seats around! Now I'm facing forward and have a lot more room. This was a big improvement ... thanks, Uncle Eric!

When we got home Mom opened her birthday presents from Dad and I. There was a theme ... George and Reba. (Mom says it is going to be the concert event of the century. Dad thinks Live Aid back in the day may have the George/Reba tour beat, but Mom says he's crazy.)

Mom, Dad and I had the whole day to ourselves so we just hung out enjoying each other's company (and waiting for the carpet guy). This afternoon Mom and I did a fun art project. I think her intent was that I draw something on the paper but my muse told me to draw on myself instead. (It was a performance art kind of day.)

Remember gang ... when life gives you lemons say, "No thanks, I'd prefer a nice piece of pie."