I know it's an odd way to start out this week's update but Mom, Dad and I have gotten into this little game we play after I take my shower. Mom wraps me up really tight in my towel and I walk from the bathroom to my bedroom. While I'm wrapped up I take on my alter ego ...

... a super hero named BABY BURRITO!!!!

Anyway ... Wednesday Westminster's high school kids had a family Halloween night. All of the older kids put on games and there was a lot of candy. I'll definitely be back! Here I am at the first game I tried. (Dad kept making jokes about fishing for Jesus but I was actually just fishing for candy and toys.)
I wasn't sure who this dude was supposed to be but the "drop clothes pins in a vase" game he and the snow princess were running was a lot of fun and I did well.

And, let's be honest, you couldn't have a "family-friendly" church-sponsored Halloween event for us kids without horseshoes.

The grandparents were awfully nice and I got two Halloween cards this year.

Friday was a fun day at school. Lots of treats. A parade. A party ... and Mom! It was fun having her volunteer to help my teachers.

There was story time.

Here I am taking my swipe at a pinata we had at our party after the parade.

And, while I wasn't the one who busted it open you can only imagine the pandemonium that ensues when a pinata breaks around a dozen two- and three-year-olds.

I've been taking a lot of pictures lately but keep forgetting to aim up. Huh ... I need to work on that.

Dad and I went to church on our own this morning as Mommy wasn't feeling very well. (She's fighting the same cold Dad and I are. Ugh. Our family is a lot of fun to be around right now if you're into hacking, wheezing, snot and phlegm.)

After church and some piano we headed off to the pumpkin patch for a family outing.
I was able to pet a nice cow. She seemed disappointed that I didn't have any corn but hey, you can't always get what you want and I didn't have hamburger on my breath so she should be happy, right?!

I also took Mom and Dad on a hayrack ride out to the field. Once we got off the wagon there were some cool things to do. Here I am (with Mom's help) racing the pedal cars. (As you can see, I am totally destroying the woman behind me.)

After several attempts this is, sadly, the best we could do for a pumpkin patch family photo.

Then Dad and I took some time to survey the land and pronounce it good. (Before catching a ride back to the barn.)

Mom was hoping for a Christmas card photo but I just wasn't feeling it. I needed to get back to farming.

A little known fact ... all the best farmers drive using their right wrist.

After the pumpkin patch we came home and I didn't take a nap. I did manage to Skype with Grandma Kathy and Papa and they thought I had lots of energy. Soon enough it was time to start trick-or-treating. Mom dressed up like Mom. Dad dressed his belly up like a pumpkin and I was Pierce the garbage man!

One of our first stops was at Will's house. He's the coolest dude on the block.

Steve and Carolyn were very generous with the candy!

And a last stop on Allison ... Debbie's house! We then rushed to the Dillons, a couple of other friends and then Grandma Maggy's.

A spider and a garbage man!

Mom and Dad were so proud. My trick this year? Touching my brain with my tongue. Yeah, me!

The night was capped off with snacks and some nice conversation with Grandma Maggy. I was tired but trick-or-treating 2011 was a lot of fun and a great success!

I hope y'all enjoyed your own monster mashes!