Wednesday was a snow day! Not only did I get to stay home from school, but Dad's flights were delayed so I got to home with him for most of the day!
We hung out, played, puttered around the house and baked cookies!
I also got to help Mom get grapes ready for dinner after we took Dad to the airport.
I know what you're thinking ... "Hey, what's a ground hog doing in Pierce's blog?!" Well, the jokes on you. It's me sporting the ground hog mask I made at school.
I got mail Thursday ... Grandma Kathy and Papa sent me a little care package with a cool new book. I couldn't wait to read it so stopped what I was doing and went through it right after I got it open. Thanks, Grandma and Papa!
Old Macdonald had a farm ...
The weekend can never come too soon. Dinner Friday is usually comfort food and I was really happy when Mom agreed to stop at McDonald's!
While I was home, Dad was with Uncle Matt and Aunt Emily! They had a great time and Dad enjoyed the funk that is Austin.
Saturday Mom and I wanted to get out of the house so we headed over to The Science Center of Iowa. Very cool. Bubbles...
... slimy animals that freaked Mom out ...
... and a backhoe!!!!!!!!! I loved it and couldn't get enough. Mom made me share and that was no fun at all.
Hey kid ... off MY backhoe.
While we were there Dad was having fun in Austin. He did some shopping at the famous Allen's boots ...
... and helped Uncle Matt Skype with Uncle Chris.