This past week was, let's say, an active one. Not only did I help Mom a lot in the kitchen I hung with the Fletchers and played outside all day Saturday and today.
One thing I learned is that I can just as easily put garnish on a pudding dessert...

... as I can whip up a glaze for ham balls ...

... as I can decorate a cake. I'm a pretty good cook if I do say so myself.

Wednesday night all of the cooking and prep I helped Mom with came to fruition when Grandma Maggy came over. We had an early birthday celebration and it was a lot of fun. I was pretty wound up and struggled to "keep it together" but everything went pretty smoothly. Grandma took one candle and I took the other. We blew them out on the first try!

Even though it was her party Grandma let me open her gifts for her.

She even tried to help me with my toenails, but I wouldn't let her. (Mom doesn't know that I'm on to her but I have a great trick going. I throw a total fit whenever I have to clip my toenails them make Mom stay up late at night and cut them when she thinks I'm asleep. Brilliant!)
Thursday night was boys' night. Mom went out to dinner and I got to go hang at Dad's office. I took some calls ...

... and tried putting on the new carpet while he worked on a few things.

Friday was picture day at school. Here's a sneak peek at my outfit.

Friday evening we met the Fletchers at Incredible Pizza for a night of crazy fun. Bowling? Check.

Shooting hoops with Grant? Check.

Driving? Check.

Shooting hoops with Dad? Check.

Go carts with Mom? Check. (Although she managed to go from first place to last place in about 30 feet.)

Grant let his Mom drive him around, too!

The race is over. Time to do press and let the crew get the car back in the transporter.

Some pizza and a drink then back at it I went. Skee ball? Check!

Saturday Dad and I took Grandma to the airport so she could go to Austin. I got to see some planes and am really excited about my trip in a few weeks.

Later in the afternoon it was time for the year's first mowing. The grass really needed it and it took both mowers to do the job properly. After such a full day I fell asleep driving with Dad to get pizza, slept through dinner, and went for a full 12 hours last night!

Today Mom and Dad got out my soccer ball and goal. I really, really like soccer. We had fun playing.

Finally, I wanted to share a video Uncle Matt sent of a party he went to in Germany. I know lots of people in the family who would have loved to be there!