This past week was a real hum-dinger. Not only did I have a major project due for school it was also a big week for appointments, my school program was Friday and then my birthday party was Saturday. I don't mind telling you ... I'm exhausted!
The big project I mentioned? Just the final exam for my snowman class! I had to glue all the pieces together the right way and it was a lot of pressure. Mom and Dad talked me through it and helped some but I was still nervous.

Help! I have a snowman on my back!

Thursday I skipped school (had an excused absence for some "life skills training") and spent the day running hard with Mom. Our first stop? The dentist. No photos here but all my teeth were present and accounted for and I had a fine mouth for farming. Next stop - Home Depot. They have even better carts than Dahl's!

I made Mom promise lunch at my favorite restaurant afterwards and we even got to eat inside and I got to check out the bathroom ... one of my favorite things to do at the oddest places, the most inopportune times or the least sanitary locations.

Next stop? The doctor's office for my three year exam. All vitals looked good! Weight - 31.5 pounds. Height - 37". Blood pressure - 105/69. Pulse - 112. Yep. I'm healthy as a horse.

All week long Mom and Dad had talked about no shots at this appointment. Well, the nurse threw everyone for a curve and for awhile I thought I had to endure a needle. Here I am having a rather "
animated" discussion with Dad about the whole thing. It turns out that no shot was needed but it was touch and go there for awhile.

While Mom headed off to make an appearance at a Christmas party, Dad and I stopped by Flynn Wright to say goodbye to their old offices and sit in on an impromptu staff meeting then hit the road again to see Becky. I actually fell asleep in the car but woke up just in time to catch up with my old friend and get cleaned up before all of our company arrived.

Friday dawned bright and sunny. A busy day was ahead so Mom and I hit it early and off to school I went. Around noon Grandma Kathy and Papa arrived. Dad got this photo of the preparations for my birthday cake. Things must have been pretty serious as it looks like Grandma Kathy is praying.

Not long after the photo was taken Uncle Eric showed up and the gang loaded up, headed to Boulevard and met Grandma Maggy. It was time for my annual program and we had three numbers worked up for the fine folks in the audience.

This year I felt a lot more comfortable on stage. I sang. I clapped. I put on a nice show!

At the end everyone clapped and my classmates and I were relieved that we had made it through. I met the clan in my classroom and showed them around a bit.

Not only were there toys to see but I also got to show my place on the rug ...

... and, for the out-of-town guests I got to show off my latest honor, "Butterfly of the Month". Yep, I'm Mr. December. Pretty cool.

Everyone was hungry so off to eat we all went. While at the restaurant I got to open one gift and it was a doozy ... my very own grain cart! It will fit well with my operation and is a much needed boost to my harvest-time productivity.

Once we got home I got to check out my cake. It was awesome! Yeah! Great job Mommy. Great job Grandma Kathy.

Morning came early on Dec. 17. The event of the day was only hours away but I had a lot of prep to do. Here I am cleaning and preparing the house for what was to be.

Thanks to my friends at Waste Management I had excellent garbage man balloons that went well with the cake and helped set just the right tone.

Once things were set it was a waiting game until the appointed hour arrived. To pass the time Grandma Kathy, Uncle Eric and I made a snowman out of the balls in my play room. It was a lot of fun but the snowman couldn't stand on its own.

Finally the time had arrived! Everyone gathered for a nice lunch ...

... a family photo was taken ...

... I prepared to blow out the candles as folks sang ...

... and just like that it was time to dig in!

Uh, Dad ... can we open gifts yet?

Oh wait! Look everybody, Papa put a light on my combine so now I can harvest in the dark!

Okay, now I'd like to dig in on these presents if y'all don't mind. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting!

I won't go present-by-present but suffice it to say that I'm a very lucky three year old. Everything from fun art supplies to a sleeping bag to garbage trucks to farm equipment to the coolest growth chart ever. Jeepers, I don't know what to say.

There was one gift in particular that looked pretty interesting and as I unwrapped it I found out just how interesting it was.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey, Dad. Was this what I saw in Champaign a few weeks ago?

Vroom! Awesome!

To be honest, I got a little dizzy after opening that gift so the group turned their attention to Papa as it was his birthday this weekend, too. It was nice that he got what he wanted, a print of an AC tractor.

Oh wait, I have more to open?! Angry birds! Thanks, Uncle Eric.

And what's this?

Wow ... I actually got a birthday card from Waste Management! So cool!

They have garbage trucks in Texas. Who knew?!

The next few hours were a blur but once folks headed home and things settled down a bit I was really able to play with everything. Grandma Margaret and Papa Jack got me a slinky and it was fun for Dad and I to get it to walk downstairs. Mom even got into it and had fun!
Oh, and one last thing ... congratulations to Uncle Chris for winning this year's birthday quiz contest! You could say his prize, "is in the bag". I'll get it to you when we're together in a few days, dude!
That's it for this week. Thank you to everyone for making me feel like the luckiest three year old ever. Have a great week. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.