This past week both Dad and I traveled to a place outside of a town called Augusta. Monday morning Mom and Dad both took me to school before he headed to the airport and I got to show him how I play fireman and get hoses from the truck every morning before school.

He then got on a plane and headed to Augusta, GA and had a really good time. (Photo courtesy of Steve Andersen photography.)

Meanwhile Grandma Kathy came up and joined Mom and I was we met Grandma Maggy at the airport. She was coming back from Austin. Here's a flower for you, Grandma!

How cool am I to have both Grandmas to dote on me at the same time!

Tuesday Mom, Grandma Kathy and I headed to Denmark, which is just outside of Augusta, IA. We took our time getting there, including a stop in Pella to tiptoe through the tulips.

We also spent some time on the town square seeing the sites and at Central College checking out the bookstore.

The next day I jumped into my farming duties with a run to Nichting's. While Papa paid his bill, I played with their awesome toys. I even got to take one home - thanks Bill!

Papa put my car seat in the farm truck and we took a tour through Nichting's lot before heading home.

Before Mom and I jumped in the tractor with Papa for some fieldwork, Grandma Kathy helped me inspect the bin where Papa unloaded corn earlier... (All weekend I had to recreate the scene with a bin, tractor, auger and semi.)

... and help Papa with a bucket.

The next day we visited Clayton and I got to play with the ducks in the fountain. (It's become a bit of a tradition.)

Time for a rest with Papa! (Only one of us really slept!)

The work never seems to end and I like doing my fair share so the next day I helped mow the yard ...

... inspected my seat in the big tractor ...

... helped move equipment around ...

... and discussed the plan for fieldwork in the coming weeks with Papa. It was a busy day.

But I was in for a surprise when we got back to the house. Grandma found a bicycle for me! I was glad Mom brought my helmet so I could ride. The training wheels made it easy.

That night Papa and Grandma Kathy had company. I had a lot of fun visiting and playing and even helped serve desserts.

Saturday Dad came down from Des Moines and the first thing I wanted to do once he arrived was open the box Uncle Eric sent me for Easter. It had a Pierce firetruck!

As well as fun paper packing that looked like grass.

During a visit to see Clayton later that day I got to show my new firetruck off. He was impressed.

After pizza and ice cream with Papa, Grandma Kathy, Mom and Dad, we headed back to the house to color eggs in anticipation of the Easter Bunny's arrival.

I was really careful because the dye is very strong. (Note to my loyal readers ... if it splashes on your face you end up with a green mark that no amount of scrubbing will remove.)

Easter Sunday dawned bright. The Easter bunny had come! I had a great basket, a new set of golf clubs, shirt with a tractor, towel with a truck, markers and lots of candy.

There was even more to find after everyone got home from church! These were prizes the Easter Bunny left for the egg hunt.

After getting everything organized Papa had me help him move the truck while Grandma Kathy and Mom prepared for the Easter egg hunt.

This year it was pretty easy as I was the only kid and there were lots of eggs.

I took my time and found all of them!

Some even had slips that let me choose prizes! Wow! This was an awesome Easter egg hunt! Hmmm ... what to pick?

Like a lot of visits to Denmark this one ended with a few tears and a nap on the way home. What a great few days I had on the farm. Thanks, Papa and Grandma Kathy!

Have a great week, everyone!