Hello loyal readers out there across the globe.
I usually don't start with a video (why lead with the good stuff?), but I've been working on a new dance move and need some feedback ...
Also, has anyone else heard of or seen this contraption? Mom and Dad call it a "dishwasher" and it is fascinating.
Anyway, Friday was my last day at my current school so I got a couple of photos with the folks I spent the most time with. Tonya was there for me every morning and is a super person.

Here I am with my good friend Amy who I spent afternoons with. I'll miss them both along with Kylie and Sarah but am excited to finally start

Saturday after Dad's plane landed we went to Ankeny for the annual
Mercy Hospital NICU reunion. There were over 900 kids, families and friends in attendance and it was really impressive. Some kids who were there have had a lot more to overcome than me. Mom, Dad and I agree that we couldn't have asked for anything more in a tough situation. The team in the Mercy NICU is an amazing group.

One thing that I'm actively working on is getting Mom and Dad to realize that sometimes I want to do things my own way. I've started standing up in my car seat rather than just sitting down like I used to ... it keeps them on their toes and sometimes I have to laugh because they just don't seem to know what to do about it. They may take me out and start all over, they may try and tickle me to get me to sit, they may try and get me to bend ... ha! Parents are fun sometimes.

... plus Mom and Dad seemed to know lots of people there.
Here are friends Jennifer Eckerman and Mara White striking a pose while Mom talks to Sonya Graber. (Jennifer is a super graphic artist and has done some work for me. Mara is a familiar face to my loyal readers. Her son Grant was in the blog a few months ago and she works with Dad.)

I had lunch next to the monkey exhibit. (In my 9.5 months I never thought I'd ever have a sentence like that in my blog.) Odd creatures, but entertaining ...
After that it was back into the show for some fun with grant and a set by
Dan Zanes and Friends. Interestingly enough, Dad shared a plane with those folks when they came into town. What a small world.

After the show Grant and I explored the zoo and spent some time watching the giraffes.

After we got home I managed to climb the entire flight of stairs leading to my bedroom all by myself. Mom was so shocked that all she could do was watch me and make sure I didn't fall. She and Dad agreed that I was wearing them out and that I should slow down.
Yeah, right.
That's all for now ... have a great week!