I have stuff to share, folks. The last week was Spring Break (my first) and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. Apparently I'm going to get one of these for the next 18 years or so!
The family started out the week getting our family golf majors pool figured out. I like my picks and suspect I'm going to end up with Mom and Dad's money again this year.
Sunday morning we celebrated St. Patrick's day with green food. It was kind of fun to eat. After breakfast Mom and I loaded up and headed to Denmark for a spring break trip. Dad stayed in Des Moines and had the house to himself for a few days. (He seemed really sad to see us go but probably got over it really quickly.
Remember the cool new bike helmet I picked up last week? It works! I rode my bike all around Grandma Kathy's basement and was able to go really, really fast. I'm much faster with this helmet than I was with my old helmet.
The next day I asked about the trombone that had been rumored to be at Grandma's. It was Papa's then it was Mom's. We got it out and I tried it out. Awesome! I played it a lot and, by all accounts, got to be pretty good!
(We went to visit Clayton, but I couldn't take the trombone.)
A benefit of visiting Papa and Grandma Kathy? I get to choose where we eat. McDonald's, baby! Twice!
Grandma cuddle ... awesome!
I was surprised during my visit when the Easter Bunny stopped for a visit. I ended up having my own private Easter egg hunt and had lots of fun.
The Easter Bunny was very generous!
I ended my visit with the coolest lunch ever ... a real farmer's lunch with Papa! It was good to hang out with the guys, talk shop and have some good food.
Upon our return home Mom and I needed to catch up around the house, remind Dad that he didn't live by himself and put the last day of Spring Break to good use. We met Dad for lunch then headed off to do some pottery painting. I chose a shark and will get to pick it up next week. I'm going to put it on my shelf.
We were supposed to go to Kansas City to see Uncle Eric this weekend but Mother Nature threw a wrench in our plans. We only got an inch or so in Des Moines but Uncle Eric got a ton so we made the right decision.
Well, tomorrow it's back to school for me.Spring Break has been fun.