Monday, April 25, 2011

Gifts Galore!

What a week! Not only was it Easter but it was Dad's birthday. The goodness started early with a package from Uncle Eric. Hmmm ... I wonder what's in here? Wait ... a truck and candy?

There's a bunny on this plate! Thanks Grandma Kathy & Papa ... it was quite a week of gifts leading up to Easter.
Friday was a fun overnight at Grandma Maggy's. Look what I can do on my scooter!

In addition to scooting we also worked on the Miller family's traditional lamb cake. I helped color the coconut grass and place the jelly beans. I'm most helpful in the kitchen! Okay ... now for the real meat of this post. Remember this photo from a year ago? Easter Bunny = BAD!!!!!!

Well, we got it turned around this year. Easter Bunny = GOOD!!!

Mom, Dad and I hit the Hyperion Easter Egg hunt this year and things went swimmingly.

After I got my eggs everyone was very happy.

Grant White and I both gave the Easter Bunny high fives ...

... then hit the "kid centered" buffet. Donut. Chicken strip with Ketchup (Catsup?). A tot. A small quantity of cheesy eggs. Two grapes. Chocolate milk. Yep!!

My new best friend.

Thanks bro ... much love.

After that excitement I took a nap! Later in the day we boiled the eggs to prepare them for coloring. They say a watched pot never boils but that isn't true. You just have to watch it for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time.

Oh, and we got my cowboy boots out! Thanks to Allens Boots in Austin I'm stylin!

Fast forward to the next morning and it's not only Easter Sunday but it's Dad's birthday. Shazam! My best bud the Easter Bunny stopped over when I was asleep.

He has great taste! Awesome!

Once I'd gone through my Easter basket and downed some candy on the down low I helped Dad blow out the candle on his birthday cheesy potatoes ...

... and open his gifts.

Next came church ...

... then some outdoor Easter photos. Boys with boots.

Me with the bestest momma EVER!

No nap, please. Sugar? YES! Grumpy? YEP!

Okay, let's redirect. Shoots and Ladders? A classic that I'm just starting to understand. The subtleties take a lifetime to master.

Next up? Coloring eggs. Thanks to Aunt Sherry we got a special Tie Die kit this year. Frankly, the only thing that got tied or died were fingers and a couple of spots on my shirt. However, we excelled at single color eggs. Mom didn't think it was funny though when she asked me what color I wanted the next egg to be and I said, "White!". Not a funny joke at that particular time but as Dad said, I'm still honing my comedic timing. Anyway, it was a good family experience and everyone kept their wits about them.

Yeah, me!


Next we headed to Grandma Maggy's for a special meal and more celebrating. I feel asleep in the car and ended up crashing on Grandma's magic bed for an hour or so but nobody seemed to mind. In fact, they went ahead and ate without me! (I can't imagine what would have been fun or relaxing about a meal if I wasn't part of it but you can't account for taste.)

As I wrote earlier, the lamb cake is a Miller family tradition. I helped Grandma make the grass and place the jelly beans Friday night then found just the right place for the candle.

Another egg hunt? Yes, yes please!

Stickers! Thanks Grandma Maggy ...

What a great few days. I really like candy and Easter is a super reason for folks to load me up. Note for next year, put the Easter Bunny on my birthday invite list!

Have a great week, everyone!
