There were questions last week about the contest I promised. Just know that now would be a good time to start boning up on your Pierce trivia. The prize will be quite valuable to my regular readers and you won't be surprised. More details will be posted soon ...
So, back to this past week. Mom ordered a toy tractor catalog and it came in the mail. WOW! What an awesome way to spend some time. My mind was racing with the possibilities. I showed it to Papa during his visit (more on that later) and he helped me decide what I needed to improve my operation.
After we put them on the tray Mom popped them into the oven* and I supervised their baking.
*Disclaimer: The oven isn't a toy. That doesn't mean it isn't cool, though.
Don't let anyone tell you that I don't know how to rock it out on a Friday night. LAUNDRY BASKET RIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday was a great day ... Grandma Kathy and Papa came for a visit! I showed them my tractor videos and everyone had a good time.
Later that night Papa and I practiced combining and hauling wagons. This preparation will come in handy in about 15 years.
This morning we continued having fun together by playing in the basement. I showed Grandma and Papa my mower and they both seemed impressed.
Grandma Maggy stopped by later and I got to hang out with both grandmas!
I tell ya ... for about an hour today I had the so many people fawning over me you would have thought I was Justin Bieber.