I think spring has finally sprung. Look at what was on our back porch a few days ago!

Mom, Dad and I had a busy few days so I did my best this week to help around the house. One thing I do is make sure the doors are locked.
Thursday night we went to Denmark to help out with our friend
Clayton's auction. It is a really big deal and both Grandma and Grandma have been working really, really hard. Unfortunately, after a big effort to pull things together Friday we were rained out Saturday. Mom and I just hung out at the house and I did some cleaning until everyone finally got home.

We were all so bummed about the auction that everyone decided just to have a family play day. Grandma got out some cool new toys and I got to work.
After watching me play with the balls, Grandma had an idea and enlisted Uncle Eric to help get things set up.
Thanks Grandma! This was an awesome treat!
After a long day everyone was ready to put the postponed auction behind them and get out of the house. Mom, Grandma and I went to see Clayton and hang out for awhile. Once we arrived I remembered exactly where Clayton's room was so I just took the lead ...

I got out some of my toys to show Clayton and he seemed impressed.

Our day ended with pizza at Sorrento's in Ft. Madison. The pizza was good and the people around us were really friendly.

This morning I spent lots of time riding my toy horse around I can make it go all by myself but need to be careful because sometimes it bucks!

I wanted to go outside and look at the farm. Everyone bundled up and Uncle Eric served as my tour guide. This shed is for the baby calves so they can relax without having to worry about the bigger cows. They looked really comfortable!

After that we went into the barn and Grandpa brought us a baby calf to look at. This one is just a day or two old and is walking already! Wow, I didn't walk for months!

Next we talked about tractors and which one would be best for me to help plant in. (I like this one in particular because the controls are well designed and I'll have plenty of visibility to monitor both planter operation and follow my row guide. I just have to convince Grandpa.)

Finally, he and I climbed up on one of Grandma and Grandpa's big bales. We were really high in the air!

Grandpa works really hard to make sure his cows and calves are happy and healthy. I liked seeing a mommy cow and her calf. I know how much I love my Mommy so I can relate to how good a kiss from Mom feels.

We'll be back next week for the auction!

Before we left town, Dad took the opportunity to introduce me to a "kiabo". He felt bad that it wasn't a "
potty house" from our friend Howie, but this "porta potty" didn't have a line and, since the auction was postponed, was clean. (Note to self, don't let Dad try potty training in one of these!)

And finally, I'd like to share a blog which is a favorite of Uncle Chris's and has quickly become a "must read" for both Dad and I. Check out
Love to all ... and when in doubt, break out in a rousing rendition of "God Bless America".