Hey, gang. Another week has come and gone. It was a week that Mom and Dad would say was filled with "teachable moments". Personally, I don't think they learned a thing. How frustrating they can be!
One thing that went well this week was my art project. With St. Patrick's Day coming up the focus was on rainbows and pots 'o gold. Thanks for the help, Mom!

After a long week everyone was gassed, so Friday night became family movie night! Pizza? Check. Jammies? Check. Toy Story III? Check!

There was a lot to do Saturday so I got up and started work on my chores right away.
The biggest thing on my "to do" list was getting Avery a present for his 10th birthday party. Dad and I went out and got it and I was set for a fun afternoon. Oh wait, I have to take a nap before the party?! Well, I don't think so!
(Suffice it to say that what we had was a "failure to communicate". I wasn't tired. Mom and Dad thought I was and because I didn't go to sleep when I was supposed to I had to miss the party.)
Dad went on his own and gave Avery the present...

... and as soon as he left I feel fast asleep on Mom!
Once I woke up we went out for dinner as nobody seemed to be in the mood to cook. One thing about eating out, you have to use your napkin!

Wipe. Wipe. Wipe.

Last night, after eating we came home and Lawrence Welk was on! In between IPTV's pledge drive segments I really got into watching Doc. Severinsen talk about the songs and watching Mr. Welk conduct the band. On top of that, I also got to watch videos of "tractor pulls gone wrong" which was very entertaining.

Mom's hosting Bunco tomorrow so today's big task was grocery shopping. Before hand, everyone agreed that some breakfast was in order. Thanks to the deli at Dahl's for the food and ...

... the firetruck grocery cart!

I also got to pick out my yogurt, which was fun.

Next up was church with Grandma Maggy. The kids at church did the music this morning and it was really cool.

The final thing on the list this weekend was an Iowa Energy basketball game. It was loud, but a lot of fun.
I got to eat popcorn.

I also got to explain basketball rules to Mom.

Time to go home! (It didn't seem like this many steps when we went down to our seats!)

Enjoy your week, everyone!