Another week and it's time for an update on my favorite person ... me! This past week started out with all of us catching up from our great trip to Denmark. I ended up under the weather and stayed home from school Thursday and part of Friday. (I got lots of cuddle time in with Mom!)

Saturday I was much better and got to go see Grandma Maggy!

We had lunch and caught up, but after awhile I just had to take a break. It's a lot of work being me and a nap always feels good.

When I woke up I got to play at Grandma's house with her special toys. She has this cool mirror that is just perfect for me! It's weird though, there is always another little boy at her house who looks a lot like me and is wearing the same thing.
Oh yeah, funny guys ... ha ha ha ... put the big hat on the little boy, laugh and point. Yeah, real funny. (Wait until I'm picking out your room in the "retirement village". I'll remember this and you just may end up with a view of the loading dock or the air conditioning unit.)

I got to finger paint after we got home! It's one of my favorite things to do.
Mom thought I might be ready to try drinking from a glass so we tried that, too. I think I did pretty well. I certainly wasn't thirsty afterwards.
Saturday night Dad got bored and did this with my hair. He thought it was really funny to say in a mean, gruff voice, "I pity the fool!" I didn't get it and Mom didn't laugh.
Today we watched some folks run in the
Des Moines Marathon! Mom and I sat in the car while we waited for the two guys we were following. Mike (Maguire's dad) and Aaron (Dad's colleague) both participated in their first marathons this year.
Kendall and Maguire were on hand to cheer Mike along. We caught up with them about 1/2 way through the race, saw our guys then decided we were hungry. (What better way to support our athletic friends than a trip to a restaurant for Sunday brunch?)
Yum ... Pancakes!!!!
Mom and Dad wanted to send the cleaning lady back to the restaurant after they saw the floor under my seat.
The marathon takes awhile, so after breakfast we went back to catch up with Mike and Aaron. Less than a mile from the finish and still going strong!

Keep going ... it's not much farther!

After the race I got to spend some time enjoying nature. Leaves are pretty cool! Mom and Dad let me play with them for a bit today and I had a lot of fun.

This is a bit of a tangent, but I've been fascinated by retail packaging of late. It really bothers me when I see stereotypes used to sell product. Just because I'm a little guy doesn't mean that I love to finger paint and get messy doing it. Oh ... wait ... nevermind ...

Finally, I learned one very important thing this week ... you shouldn't necessarily do everything Mom dares you to.

Until next time ...
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