Hello, all ...
Another week has come and gone. Much has happened over the past few days so I'll jump right into it.
Grandma Maggy got on a plane to go visit Uncle Chris. I couldn't resist and tried out one of Mom and Dad's suitcases and yep, I fit in a carry-on. (Good to know.)

Wednesday was my 9 month doctor's appointment. I wasn't scared because I like my doctor but it got kind of cold in the exam room.

Luckily Mom thought ahead and brought a blanket. I got a shot, but didn't cry.

Mom and Dad are making me a special room in the basement where I can do whatever I want! Guys came to the house Thursday and I helped inspect the work.

After school I went to Pope's for my very first haircut. Mom has gone there for years as do a lot of Dad's friends so it made sense that Becky would do it. This is my "before" shot.

Becky did a really good job and everyone said that I did well too. I started out on a bench but decided that I wanted someone to hold me. Since Dad hasn't been in a barber's chair for years he got the honor.

I think I like Pope's ... I got a snack as Becky was working. (Just a slight trim, please.)
Can you get it off my collar? Great.

All done ... thanks, Becky!

Saturday was a lazy day at home. I'm going to the farm next weekend so I thought I'd better watch my Baby Einstein "Baby MacDonald A Day on the Farm" DVD. I really like it.
One of my favorite toys is the bouncer Grandma and Grandpa Houston got me.

I can do a lot more in it now as a little boy than I could six months ago. (I was a little baby then.)

Cold weather has arrived. Mom and Dad are big on me wearing a hood, but I'm not convinced. They even make me put it up while I'm still in the house and before we leave. They are mean.

Today, after church, we all went down to Chariton to see Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Miller. Great-Grandma showed me her walker ...

... and Great-Grandpa let me bounce on his knee while he blew his train whistle. It was a "great" visit.
On the way back I made Mom and Dad stop and take a picture of a farm that caught my eye. They have orange things like Grandpa Houston!

Once we got home I did some things around the house. One of the plants had really been bothering me so I went ahead and pruned it before Mom or Dad could say anything. They wondered how I did it so quickly, but I'd been thinking about it for awhile.

All is well though, I gave Mom a big hug and she said it was okay.
Until next time ...
way to prune the plant, pierce. grandma maggy and i laughed out loud. hair cut, shots, great grandma and great grandpa... big week. we both miss you and can't believe how much you have sprouted.
Hi Pierce - Thank-you for sharing your blog site with me. I loved seeing the pictures of you at our barbershop. It makes me feel very special to be a part of one of your many 'firsts' in life. You were such a good little boy, I totally enjoyed giving you your very first haircut! I hope to keep you as a long-time client. Tell your mom and dad that they do a great job with the 'Life'O Pierce'. You are a very lucky little guy! See ya later, alligator!
Becky the barber
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