Hello, all ... it's been a busy week and this post will be a bit random. Please bear with me ...
Tuesday was election day and Mom took me to the polling place so I got to watch her vote. (She didn't choose who I would have gone for, but what do I know ...)

Grant came over Wednesday! Mom said that it was really hard to get a picture in focus with both of us playing so hard. We started off with trains and Grant showed me everything he knew.

After trains we played a something new ... the "Under the Table and Dreaming" game. Let's just say, we were having active dreams and this was the best photo Mom could get.

By the end of it I wore Grant down. Pierce 1. Grant 0.

Saturday. Home Depot. Enough said.

To spice things up we also went to Target where, for the first time in awhile, Mom and Dad actually bought stuff for Mom and Dad!

After we got home and I rested a bit Mom took me to the park! It was AWESOME!

I don't know if any of you have been to a park before, but I think you too would find great pleasure in a visit. Give it a try. Tell them Pierce sent you.

There has been something I've wanted to share for awhile but have hesitated. I know my loyal readers will understand, but it doesn't make it any easier. Okay ... I'll be honest ... my parents are very, very odd people. After breakfast, before moving on to other things, they often play the "Dancing Condiments" game and it just freaks me out. (I feel better getting that off my chest.)

It was beautiful all weekend so I got to play outside. I played in the leaves and had a blast.

Dad gave me a ride around the yard and I had a bird's eye view.

I got to crawl across the whole yard! (There was a lot of ground to cover.)
Finally, Grandma Maggy came over this afternoon. She took me on a walk and we hung out while Mom and Dad worked on my room downstairs. (I think I wore her out.)

Have a great week, everyone. Remember ... Deputy Don Su Amigo!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Hey Pierce!! I remember the "dancing condiment" game. I used to play that with Justin and Jodie. Then later in life, they loosened up the caps and played a different condiment game with me!!! By the way, who was the photographer this week? Bad, really bad.
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