Sorry for the delayed post dear and loyal readers. Sometimes life just gets in the way of a good story.
Last year at this time I was just a little baby but now look at me ... I've got a banana in my ear! Mom and Dad are so proud.

Last Sunday Grandma and Grandma Houston came for a visit. They planned to buy a new car and then Grandma was going to stay with Mom and me for a few days. In honor of their arrival I broke out the fine china.
We had a great meal and really enjoyed catching up.

Grandpa and I played in the basement for awhile. He seemed to like my toys and I made sure to show him how everything worked in case he wanted to play by himself.

Dad was in Chicago for a few days and ran into Maguire's Mom Kendall who was in town for other meetings. (Next week he's in New Orleans but I doubt he'll run into Kendall again.)

He got home Friday and I had was in a goofy mood!
Thankfully PBS had a fascinating show on shipbuilding techniques of ancient Egyptians which helped me settle down before bed.

Grandma Kathy left yesterday morning. Later in the day Mom and Dad took me out on my new sled. It took a long time to get dressed.

Dad walked really slowly until I got the hang of things.

At first I didn't know what to think but then I really started enjoying myself. Man, it was bright outside!

We had a nice packed down circle by the time we were finished.
Last night Grandma Maggy came over so Mom and Dad could go out. I showed her all of my tricks like walking, not going to sleep, screeching and trying to walk down stairs.

Finally, I wore the vest Grandma Maggy knitted for me as a birthday gift to church today. Dad's right, a man feels better in a vest!

In the words of the inspiring Casey Kasem, "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!"
Until next time ...
you ... are ... adorable, young master pierce.
Pierce is a walkin'! Almost time to start practicing up on some walkin' blues...
The sledding is cute, but he looks like he is questioning the whole concept. He may be a Texan at heart.
Love y'all!
I LOVE him in his little snow outfit! he looked like he enjoyed playing outside :). Sounds like he had a great evening with Grandma Maggy as well ;). And what child is not complete without a sweater vest? Alan and the other pastors all wore them last sunday to church, so I surprised them and dressed Isaac in his first sweater vest as well!
What a genuine little hamball. I love the sweater vest. It's SO Pierce!! Good job Grandma Maggie!!
anonymous = Aunt Sherry :P
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