This was a fun week. Dad traveled for a few days so I got to go to the airport and get him on Wednesday ...

... then eat at
Jethros ...

... then act interested as Dad tried engage me in a debate over who is smarter,
Neil Degrasse Tyson or
Stephen Hawking.

There is no debate, however, over who wins in a battle of noggin vs. cement driveway. Driveway 1. Noggin 0.

Friday was a very special day. Mom got to come visit me at school for an event called "Mommies and Muffins". It was a cool way to kick off Mother's Day weekend!

Saturday we loaded up and went to Pella for
Tulip Time! It was a surprise, but Grandma and Grandpa were there too. We got to watch the parade together. It was cold but everyone had fun.

After the parade Grant, Amanda, Mom and I took a photo by the
Central College sign just like last year.
Grant and I were bigger in this photo!

I admit it, Pella wore me down and I slept hard on the way home.

But, after a cat nap and snacks I perked right up ...

... so I could watch Dad mow the yard.

Finally, after keeping my card and gift a secret all week today was the big day. Mother's Day! I have the best Mom ever so I worked really hard to make sure her day was a good one. I told Dad to make coffee when she got up and I tried to be extra cute this morning before we went to Grandma Maggy's for lunch.

Grandma Maggy got a good family photo during our visit. (She was really nice and let me play with Millie, fed me great food and even let me take a nap on her bed!)

I love you, Mama Llama!
I hope all mommies have a great week. Thanks to Mom, Grandma Kathy, Grandma Maggy and Great-Grandma Margaret for all you do!
Much love to all ...
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