The past couple of weeks have been crazy busy! I did squeeze in a fun trip to see Uncle Eric, though. Mom, Dad and I got to his house late last Friday night and spent a lazy morning Saturday. Mom and I caught up on a couple of old "
Saved by the Bell" episodes and it was quite a nice bonding experience.

Saturday, Uncle Eric took us to the best place ever! If you haven't been, you have to check out the
Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead in Overland Park. We spend a long time there and I saw lots of animals, played with tons of stuff and made a vow that yes, I would return!
If I was a cow, I don't think I could sneak up on anyone if I had to wear one of these. However, I can see why they are so popular with

I met several new friends. Animals are really cool!

Pumping water was fun. Dad splashed Mom but I was told in no uncertain terms that I couldn't post a photo.

And, finally, just when I thought it couldn't get any better?! This place had sand!

Ah ... nothing like a good Fruit Chiller after a long, hot day.

In addition to being a police officer, Uncle Eric is a volunteer fireman ... his office(s) are so much cooler than Mom and Dad's!

His work wardrobe is pretty awesome, too!

There also is a very cool playground by Uncle Eric's house and we played there as a group Sunday morning. A good time was had by all ...
This playground even had a curly slide, which has quickly become a favorite of mine.
Adults trying to remember how to play hopscotch ... nothing funnier!

Don't you hate it when you pick out a great outfit then you find out a friend, co-worker or, in this case, Dad is wearing almost the same thing?! Geez, Dad ... get your own cool outfit and quit copying mine!

Thursday we hung out with Grant! He is just about ready to welcome a little brother and a little sister to the family. He really helped me at
McDonald's and at the playground and I know he'll be an awesome big brother.

I really like that the trash cans thank you every time you use them. I was able to get a lot of the pesky mulch from this particular playground and put it where it belongs. While I don't do it for the recognition a simple "Thank You" is very nice.

Last night we went and hung out with the Dillons for awhile. They had a lot of great food and Maguire shared his "big boy" toys with me. I need to stock up on
Matchbox cars and dinosaurs. His dad and my other friend Steve are participating in the
Hy-Vee Triathlon today so it was an early night.

Today Grandma Maggy picked me up and we went to the birthday party of a co-worker's son. Very cool! There was a lot to do and I met several new friends.
That's it for now ...
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