I got stitches on Monday and had my 18 month doctor's appointment Wednesday. I had my finger pricked and got a couple of shots so, for a few hours, I had more Band-Aids than any other kid anywhere.
Mom and Dad felt bad about things so they took me out to dinner Wednesday night. It was fun. The Band-Aid came off my finger and I bled all over Dad, applesauce ended up all over Mom, (Don't ask ... let's just chalk it up to poor decision making on my part.) and to top it off my nose was running so snot was everywhere.
(Mom and Dad left an extra big tip for our waitress.)
Friday at school we had a 4th of July family picnic. Mom and Dad took time from work to come over and, as it turns out, all the kids sat quietly and ate with their parents. Not me! (I'm Pierce the conqueror!) I decided that the only things I really wanted were my chips and cookie. After that I needed to stretch my legs and drug Dad all over the place. My friends just sat there quietly being cute but I wasn't feeling it ...
Mom got me out of school early and we headed home for a nap. Afterwards we checked out the Ashby wading pool. It was a lot of fun and I'm lucky to have a Mom who will take me. (You might wonder if there are photos of me in the pool. There aren't. However, I spent so much time playing with this truck that Mom got a picture of that!)
Saturday morning I got my stitches out. It hurt a little bit but I tried to be really brave. Here is a photo right before we went into the doctor's office.
The rest of the day was pretty mellow. I debuted my new "stitchless" face at the Urbandale 4th of July parade ...
Sunday we went to church, Grandma Maggy stopped over for a bit then Mom's aunt Sherry and her husband John came over for pizza. I had lots to show them and talk about.
Monday came and Dad was really excited because he got to golf! After the round he gave me a ride in the cart and, by the end, I was having fun!
Then we met the rest of Dad's playing partners for lunch. One had his family with him so I got to see my friend Grant White and run around. (I haven't seen him in months and honestly don't remember him being this fast!)
Finally, after a bit of a nap and some relaxation Mom and Dad "attacked" my hair. What started as a "trim" quickly became a "shearing". They say it is a nice summer cut. I want a few minutes with each of them and the trimmers to see what kind of summer cut I can give them!
I'll post again soon ...
Much love.
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