I hope y'all had a fun St. Patrick's Day. Mom went all out with my breakfast and there was a lot of green in our house.
It started out with a great breakfast by Grandma then I headed outside to farm with Papa. I inspected his friend's semi truck ...
... then we headed off to see what I really wanted to check out ...
... Papa's new tractor!
Isn't she a beaut?!
My seat is very comfortable and has great visibility.
We took a drive and I showed Papa a few things about how to run her. She's going to do great in the fields for him this spring!
We took a drive and I showed Papa a few things about how to run her. She's going to do great in the fields for him this spring!
After our drive we headed over to the other farm so I could help level level lanes with the box scraper. First I got to tour the new barn. Nice!
Fast forward several hours and I spent time working with an old favorite of Uncle Eric's. Papa made this years and years ago ... some fresh paint and some TLC and it's good as new!
Next on our list of things was a visit to Mom's favorite restaurant in high school, Sub Arena. What a trip down memory lane.
Clayton! With lunch behind us the group visited a great friend. Our visit was good ... we had a lot to catch up on.
On our way back we stopped and I got to spend a couple of minutes talking with my buddy Tim. He always makes me smile and it was nice to see him.
Back at home Mom and Dad took naps. (I didn't) So, since I wasn't asleep I thought I'd continue to help Papa. Cows need hay?! Here I am!
Need help on the four wheeler to get gluton? Me, me ... pick me to help!
Those are some good looking calves!
Papa told Mom and me all about the little babies. They were playing and having a lot of fun!
Next came a surprise. Unbeknownst to the Millers the annual Denmark school carnival was that very day! Three generations of Houstons went to the Denmark school and there are rumors that it won't be around much longer. Mom, Dad and I had to go check it out!
Mom and Dad are trying to get me to not pick my nose so they weren't too sure about this game. (I won a prize from this nose so I guess I have to keep digging to find one in mine.)
Next came lunch then a visit to Sherry's home. She was hosting a birthday party for Mom's cousin Justin and I got to play, meet Justin's daughter and son and have lots of fun.
Mom hadn't been in the building for years and years and years and years. She was confused at first because she remembered it being much larger but quickly got her bearings. We bought tickets and jumped right into the fun.
Football toss? One ticket. One winner. I rock!
After the carnival we had dinner then Jill and Asa came over. I did my best to entertain them by jumping, riding my toys, polka dancing with Grandma Kathy, showing folks how to play instruments, etc. I think they had fun.
So, to recap. Saturday? Fun! Sleep? None. Adults tired? Yep! Pierce tired? Not so much.
Today everyone went to church and I discovered (thanks to Grandma) that Denmark had great puddles! Maximum shoe wetness and pant dirtyness from just one or two jumps ... not bad!
Everyone was talking and laughing when all of the sudden Dad saw something out of the corner of his eye. Nobody could believe it and everyone stopped to take a look.
Talon and I sat on the steps for awhile afterwards just talking about what we had seen. (As little boys we agreed that this was about the coolest thing ever!)
A pickup truck was pulling a garage down the street! I kid you not! Wow ... that is awesome!
I'm so proud that your son now knows the importance and deliciousness that is Sub Arena. It was Amy that first introduced me the the amazing place, and it is my favorite sub shop as well ;)
...and only in Denmark would a truck pull a garage down the street... ;)
I haven't stopped by here in a while! Pierce is getting so big and he's still so adorable!
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