What a week ... just when I start thinking, "Hey, I haven't been sick in awhile!" a cough comes up and I lose a day at school. Oh well, there are worse things than a three day weekend and Monday home with Mom means one thing ... trash day!

Tuesday everything was back to normal and I got to see my friends at school and check out progress on some construction work being done next door. The guys and I spend recess supervising and the construction workers seem not to mind. I also got to turn in my art homework. This week's project? An umbrella.

Thurdsay was a big day for Grandma Maggy. She retired! Mom said that means that she never has to work again ... a lot like Grandma Kathy. Anyway I got out of school early and Mom, Dad and I headed to a retirement reception at the Des Moines VA. There were lots of people there and I got to give Grandma a big hug then enjoy some cake.

Oh, by the way, I'm "Butterfly of the Month" in April. Snap!

Fast forward to Saturday. Uncle Chris flew in from California for a visit before he finishes classes and heads to China so Mom, Dad and I had everyone over for lunch. Not only was it a celebration of Chris's upcoming trip it was also Grandma Maggy's birthday! (I'm a little jealous as she got to have two cakes this week.)
Because I'm a helpful guy I volunteered to pick up potato salad at the store for Mom. She was appreciative.

The gang's all here!

Happy birthdaytirement, Grandma!

Hurry up, Mom!

Weird, but after lunch and a piece of cake the size of my head I had some energy to burn off.
Uncle Matt called via Skype and we got to talk to our favorite Texan. I'll be visiting the Austin crew in a few weeks.

Today was church. Grandma sang in choir and Uncle Chris joined us. I was proud of he and Dad ... they didn't cause any disruptions at all! Big boys!

Home we go ...

Grandma Maggy had Dad help her buy a car seat so she would always have one ready in her car. I think she and I are going to have fun this summer. Zoo trips? Yep!

Bye Uncle Chris. I love you. Have a great trip to China. Be safe and learn lots. Tell Katie hello for me!

Mom, I'm hunnngggggrrrrrryyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wow. Nothing like a mommy lap to put a boy to sleep. I didn't even finish my apple sauce!

The final thing on the agenda this weekend was drawing for the Miller family majors pool. Four tournaments. Five players each. Big money. Big pressure. Lots of trash talk.

Seriously Dad, I think David Duval is due for a win.

Much love to all.
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