Ugh ... I need a nap! What a crazy few days. I don't really know how to work my way into this posting so I'm just going to go for it.
Tuesday - Dad was helping with Jolly Holiday Lights so Mom and I went to Hyperion and I hung out a bit with Santa. He read me a story. I got my usual in the sports bar (french toast) and everyone had a good time. (I wonder if I could start wearing my jammies everywhere ... what comfort!)
Wednesday - Uncle Chris was in town and came over for a bit. As this year's winner of the Pierce birthday quiz I was glad he was able to accept his prize in person. 
Thursday - Uncle Chris came with Mom to pick me up at school so I got to show him around. Here is where I sit ...
... oh, and I'm the designated "cool kid" this month.
The slinky I got from Grandma Margaret continues to be a hit and I found a worthy slinky partner in my uncle from California.
Look! I can slinky too!
Friday - Twas the day before the day before Christmas and all through the house Mom and Dad were running like crazy so we could go. Before loading the car we had our own Christmas and spent some nice family time. I was pleased with what lay at my feet.
Mom was pleased with this! Genuine palace guard jammies from London. Huh.
Dad was pleased with this! A genuine punk tee shirt from London. Huh.
I was pleased with this! A keyboard that's just my size. Yeah!
Dad likes his hat! Awesome! I picked it out myself and was pleased that it may have a permanent place in the hat rotation.
Okay ... off we go to Denmark!
Friday afternoon and evening were spent hanging out, catching up, eating, eating, eating and eating. What fun! Grandma Kathy and Papa always spoil me when I'm at their house and I don't mind that one bit.
Saturday - We have farming to do! Get moving, men! After a slow morning Papa, Uncle Eric, Dad and I hit it hard. We got the combine up and running then moved it to its winter home in Uncle Tim's shed.
Pilot to co-pilot, "Cleared for reverse". "Roger that." "10-4."
Pilot to co-pilot, "Prepare for landing". "Cleared for Tim's shed." "Roger." "10-4."
The next move was the BIG tractor back to Papa's shed.
Then Papa and I moved some cow poop from the lot to the field. Dad did a lot of this growing up and, to be honest, there is something Zen-like about the whole thing.
Keeping with our theme of moving, Papa let me take a spin on the back hoe attachment he had on his loader tractor. I have to tell ya, I may be digging some big holes next year. This was FUN.
While I'm a novice I got many compliments on my skills. I may have a future in this business.
Dad? Well he tried and sometimes a participant ribbon is the best you can do.
Okay, gang ... time to call it a day. Back to Grandma's house!
I wasn't tired but somehow got tricked into falling asleep on a long drive that afternoon. (Sometimes adults can be tricky like that.) I awoke back at the house and folks were starting to get ready for church. Somehow I managed to get everyone to agree that I needed to open a gift before we went. (Sometimes you can get adults to fall for almost anything.)
Mom wanted a nice picture of us together before we left. Let's just say that it took a lot of shots to get this one. Gosh, we're a nice looking crew!
After church I had a lot to do to get ready for Santa's arrival. Corn for the reindeer? Check.
Once the outside work was handled my focus shifted to inside where presents and good times were waiting. Mom was looking beautiful and I thought a special shout-out was in order this week as she worked really hard to make Christmas so great for me.
Being a master self-promoter I made sure everyone had copies of last year's blog book. This gift seemed to get good reviews.
Once the "regular" gifts were distributed attention turned to a fun family tradition, the $5 gift. Folks work pretty hard all year long to come up with the best stuff.
Folks were excited to go through the process so I was put in charge of distribution and unwrapping assistance.
Laughter was in great supply as the gifts got opened. Papa got 20 votive candles...
... while Dad got a "snuggie" blanket from Mom. (Trust me when I say the rest of the gifts weren't much better, hence the laughter.)
One last thing to do before bed, set out a cookie and milk for Santa. I didn't want to go halfway here, so chocolate milk was in order.
Sunday - Christmas day! Well, as you can tell from this photo I was a bit dumb-struck when I woke up and saw what was left the night before.
Yep, Santa was here and even left me a note of thanks! (A nice touch and something that all of us should remember ... a hand-written thank you note delivered promptly really makes everyone feel good.)
I got a Case loader tractor so now I'm like Papa! (Poor Dad had to figure out how to get it out of the packaging. I wonder if Nichtings delivers tractors like this?)
Everyone thought it would be important some day to have this photo. My first guitar. Christmas 2011. (Apparently I may grow up to be George Strait ... or Bono.)
Mom's turn to play the packaging game!
... while Grandma Kathy and I tend to important matters.
I like looking through my blog books too! Mom is good about answering my questions. I was really small once.
Even though it's Christmas day there is still work to be done. I grabbed Papa's BIG tractor and got to work ...
... then did some repair work inside while Papa worked on the chord progression from "Amarillo by Morning".
To be honest, the highlight of the day was Grandma Kathy's joy at a successfully executed Jello-O salad. Look at the layers!
Are you serious?! Prime rib for lunch?! Ugh, speaking of layers, I think I'm adding layers each meal. Grandma does some serious cooking when I visit!
Christmas evening everyone came over and it was a great party! Folks gathered around and there was a ton of food ...
... but the best seat in the house was on Grandma Kathy's lap.
With the addition of a ping pong table to Grandma and Papa's basement lots of time was spent laughing and trying win that silly game. The basement was also a great space for Peyton, Talon and I to run, ride toys and hang out. They are really fun to hang out with.
So, there you go. A wonderful few days.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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