Another week. Another trip. This time I headed to Denmark to visit the farm with Mom while Dad went to Okoboji for his annual guys' golf trip.
Speaking of Dad, he had a dental appointment Wednesday so Mom and I tagged along. This is the second time I've visited the dentist and this time I had my very own appointment. When the time came I felt a bit self conscious so didn't open very wide but everyone seemed pleased.

That afternoon I was supposed to root Grant Fletcher's soccer team to a victory but Mother Nature put a stop to that. Instead of going to the game Mom and I joined the Fletchers at McDonald's. Mom said we were the most active group in the whole restaurant.

Friday after school Mom and I drove to Papa and Grandma Kathy's. Grandma was in Wisconsin for a couple of days so it ended up being Papa, Mom and me. Since it was Memorial Day weekend I helped pick some flowers to take to the cemetary.

While at one of the cemetaries, Papa gave Mom history lesson (I fell asleep in the car but they filled me in later). August Schubert was my great-great-great grandfather. He fought in the Civil War!

Later that day we went to Alyssa Houston's graduation party. It was good to see people there I knew. Congrats Alyssa!

On to Sunday. I showed Papa my iPad apps and we both had fun with Classical Guitar. (Papa's pretty good!)

Digger working? Yep!

One new thing this visit was Papa and Grandma Kathy's mower. It's much cooler than their old one and I liked my ride.
Grandma Kathy was back from Wisconsin, and it was time for another graduation party - this one was for Morgan Bobb, a neighbor of Papa and Grandma Kathy. I took the opportunity to rest a bit ...

... before I talked Joel into giving Papa and me a ride on his tractor! Ha! Success!

It seems like work is never done. After the party I wanted to finish my part of the yard so mowed for a few minute before bed.

On Monday, Papa and Mom installed my new car seat into Papa's truck and managed to get it done without arguing! The instructions helped some, but they both had to use a lot of their brains to make sure I had a safe ride.

After their hard work I didn't have the heart to tell them that I really preferred to drive.

One final bit of fun before heading home ... polka dancing and air guitar with Grandma Kathy!
Have a great week, everyone!
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had some serious fun back home! I love how Pierce was playing the iPad guitar with Uncle Dave :)! Isaac loves the music apps on Alan's iPad...until he accidentally started playing it DURING church ;).
I've never seen Kathy polka dance!!! She's got some sweet moves! long as she doesn't brake another ankle doing it ;)
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