What a fun week! Everyone was home. I only had to go to school for four days. We had company. I got to play and entertain. Yep, it was a fun week.
Thursday Mom's Aunt Jill and cousin Ali stopped by. They were in town for the state soccer tournament. Everyone was hungry so we went out to eat and had a good time. (I've learned that if I ask to go potty I can pretty much leave the table and wander so I used that knowledge to my advantage and actually got a golf cart ride from Dad out of the deal.)

They stayed over night Friday too, so after school and soccer, folks just hung out.

Dad is filming new MidAmerican Energy spots so he had some fun toys. A new truck!

Friday night Jill and Ali stayed with me while Mom and Dad went out for dinner. I really had them going with my crying and begging but once they left (and I had totally freaked them out) I settled down for a fun night. Rumor has it that they spent 10 minutes at the end of the street trying to figure out where to go. That's funny to me.

Saturday was a lazy morning. I even got to see what licorice for breakfast tasted like. Not bad!

I also got to show off a bit and spell my name.
Of course, I didn't want Mom and Dad to be too impressed so I threw in a bit of physical humor at the end to keep them on their toes.
After hours and hours and hours of errands (and a nap) Grandma Maggy came over to say goodbye. She's leaving for a week to go with an acquaintance to dulcimer camp in the Carolinas. Sounds like fun!

Will this yard work EVER END?!

After lunch and aborted nap attempt this afternoon Mom got the pool out. Preparations were intense and there was much lathering ...

... but it was worth it! Did you know mowers worked in swimming pools?

The family that splashes together stays together.
Later, gators!
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